LPG Commercial Cylinder Storage Rules

LPG Commercial Cylinder Storage Rules

Noor LPG commercial cylinders are used in the home, office, school, restaurant, and hotel. We recommend the following safety measures for use and storage. If you feel immediate danger, call your local fire and ambulance. For non-immediate danger, call our team at +92-42-111-222-LPG (574).

• Always read and follow the safety directions on your Noor LPG Commercial Cylinder.

• Always turn off the Cylinder valve when not in use

• Keep your cylinder in an upright position with plenty of open ventilation. DO NOT store in a basement, cabinet, or        other such closed areas.

• Only use flexible hose pipes to connect the cylinder to the stove/appliance. Ensure the hose is free of cracks to          avoid loss of gas or pressure.

• Never check for leaks with a match or open flame.

• Cylinders should always be accessible and do not crowd the surrounding area with miscellaneous.

• NEVER roll the cylinder on the floor. Always tilt the cylinder and then roll.

What to do in case of a leak?

  • If you detect a leak, follow these steps:

Turn off the LPG regulator.

  • Disconnect the cylinder from the appliance and keep it in an open space with access to ventilation.
  • DO NOT turn on any electric switches or light a flame around the cylinder.
  • Ventilate the area near the appliance where the cylinder was being stored.
  • Call your LPG dealer or in the event of a fire call the Fire Ambulance.
  • Call our team if you purchased the cylinder directly from us or our retail outlet. +92-111-222-LPG (574).


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